BoFiNet Supports MCKT Corporate Social Responsibility Projects

by BoFiNet / 2024-06-01 / Published in General
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Botswana Fibre Networks (BoFiNet), in collaboration with the Ministry of Communications, Knowledge and Technology (MCKT) and the Botswana Digital and Innovation Hub (BDIH), recently supported three families in need in Ghanzi. BoFiNet pledged P 20,000.00 towards this initiative, showcasing its commitment to social responsibility.

The project involved, renovating a house for a family of eight (8), Installing electrical wiring for a house belonging to an individual living with a disability and connecting water for a less privileged family.

These projects were officially handed over on May 31, 2024, in Ghanzi. The event coincided with a visit by the Namibian Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MICT) from the 30th of May 2024  to the 2nd of June 2024. This visit included bilateral games aimed at enhancing cooperation and strengthening relations between the two (2) Ministries, reinforcing ties between Botswana and Namibia. 

Additionally, MICT-Namibia committed to furnishing the renovated house for the family of eight, further improving their quality of life. This initiative highlights the dedication of both ministries to not only strengthen bilateral relations through sports but also make meaningful contributions to community development.

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