BoFiNet Launches Fibre to the Home Project

by BoFiNet / 2019-11-19 / Published in General
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Botswana Fibre Networks (BoFiNet) has launched the Fibre to the Home (FTTh) project at at New Capitol Cinema, Masa on October 14th 2019, at 1800 - 1930hrs.

Fibre To The home (FTTH) is the installation and use of optical Fibre from a central point directly to individual buildings such as residences and apartment buildings to provide unprecedented high-speed Internet access. Bofinet's Fibre to the Home (FTTH) roll out project has begun. The project is targeting 11 898 plots and 16 393 households in Gaborone. 67 plots in Extension 11 have been identified for the pilot scheduled for October 2019 which will be followed by the completion of phase 1 comprising of Extension 9, 5, 39 and 3 scheduled to be complete by November 2019.

The launch brought together stakeholders to share information on the availability of the infrastructure within their homes, the deployment localities, benefits associated with the fibre technology, access to high speed connectivity, and other opportunities that will be brought in by the technology.

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